
Sunday 7 October 2012

Agricultural Mechanization Technology Innovation and Development Strategy priority areas

Agricultural mechanization is the process of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics can not cross the stage, the development of modern agriculture and ensure national food security, basic project. However, the overall level of agricultural technology is not high science and technology, agricultural innovation and development is slow as a constraint to agricultural development in China is an important factor. At present, China Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation of the following major issues: agricultural agriculture combined, combining agriculture with science, learning and research of agricultural science and technology innovation for public welfare system has not been formed, cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral coalition, cooperation in less innovation; Agricultural Mechanization Technology Innovation team instability, scientific research strength is not strong; Mechanization lack technological innovation, scientific research projects mainly into a competitive, conditions and lack of platform construction projects, not research projects in agricultural technology, platforms and people with innovative elements to form an adequate mechanism for sustained investment; Agricultural Mechanization backward means of scientific research, research and development cycle is longer, not an integrated product design, prototype manufacturing, field testing and product ripening of agricultural machinery innovation chain. Simple imitation of foreign agricultural products to track more with independent intellectual property rights very little original technology. Agricultural technology: strategic needs?? The key issues to be resolved?? Focus areasAgricultural Mechanization and Technology Development Strategy must focus on the future layout of the major agricultural industry needs, including: ensuring food security and supply and demand of major agricultural products; promote strategic adjustment of agricultural structure, develop animal husbandry, facilities, agriculture and agro-industries and build a modern agricultural industrial system; build a resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural production systems, and promote sustainable agricultural development; promoting coordinated regional development, promote the pastoral, hilly agricultural mechanization and so on. In accordance with the "strategic needs?? The key issues to be resolved?? Priority areas" of ideas, tease out some time to come Agricultural Mechanization Technology Roadmap. Focus on improving agricultural productivity, protect the food supply security, strategic needs, the basic realization of the major food crops throughout the main advantages of mechanization and mechanization of agricultural production as the key objective, focused on solving the rice planting, harvesting and drying, sugar cane harvesting and cotton harvest and other aspects of mechanization. Advance the agricultural structure adjustment, promoting agricultural yield, quality and efficient strategic needs, focusing on solving agricultural products processing, infrastructure and other areas of agriculture and aquaculture facilities, key technology and equipment. Around the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly agriculture production systems, and promote sustainable agricultural development, strategic needs, focused on solving the saving mechanization of agriculture, conservation tillage mechanization and mechanization of agricultural waste disposal. Around the effective protection and development of grasslands, the development of intensive, industrial farming, raise the level of grassland animal husbandry mechanized strategic needs, focused on solving the mechanization and intensive grassland production, mechanization and industrialization of farming technology and equipment. Focus on promoting regional economic development, enhance the strategic requirements of hilly agricultural mechanization, focused on solving the advantages and characteristics of crops, cash crops, mechanization and technology.

Agricultural Products How Good Things Can Sell a Good Price

Fresh vegetables with fish eggs, urban and rural taste different, so much difference, to simply blame the farmers market, the lack of basic ethical? Or the first back to look at our agricultural markets. Common table vegetables fish eggs, only eggs per kg of grass about foreign eggs to sell more than 2 dollars. And several other products, though, "soil" and "Ocean's" taste, quality does vary, but there is no difference in the market. Time-consuming, laborious more, taste, quality and better agricultural products sold in the market, not high prices, farmers keep their own food of course. Why not good things to sell high price? The most direct reason is a problem of information transmission. Live in a village, someone's species and breed, how kind, how dependent we all know, that is, farmers easy access to this information, the cost is very low. The city people do, is much harder to obtain this information, and can not see the countryside every day chicken, fish, pork, vegetable, feed any material, any fertilizer applied. Thus, only as "grass eggs", "foreign eggs," There are significant differences in the appearance of such products, in the city were easy to identify, distinguish, can sell the difference. While the application of manure and inorganic fertilizer in Brassica vegetables, the appearance of difference is not significant, it is difficult with the appearance of recognition, distinction, coupled with other information is also insufficient to differentiate between, we can only sell the same price. At present, China's agricultural market information delivered product quality, there are three broad ways: first appearance of the product, the second is the product brand, third is certification system. Production of agricultural products the traditional way of planting and breeding farmers, small scale, its production, so that they separate the implementation of brand management, and bear the corresponding costs, it is difficult. The existing pollution-free agriculture, green agriculture, organic farming certification system three or report must bear some of the certification cost, small-scale farmers for production purposes, it is not worth. It is because at the present stage of agricultural production patterns and market structure, let the farmers as producers, first of all to pay for the cost of transmitting information, not reality, so farmers abandoned altogether the idea of export quality products. Only by addressing the costs of information transfer payment, "not good quality agricultural land sale price" of the problem can be solved. This, we could hope that there will be more and more farmers to form associations for quality agricultural products brand management; we could hope that more and more certification bodies, can go to the rural household, in order to farmers to accept the price, providing certification services, but the core of the problem is still not here. Information transfer costs, is a component of transaction costs. Payment of transaction costs can be either or both the transaction to complete. However, when one or both of the transaction are unable or unwilling to pay transaction costs, and the resulting termination of the transaction will impact the overall welfare of society, on the payment of transaction costs, they should turn to as a public service and Public Affairs, as its priorities by the government and eventually be paid by the public finance, such as bridges and roads and so on. Until one day, market development to a new stage, as market players have grown and other factors, the market itself is already able to solve the transaction costs of payment, the government can, as in some developed coastal regions had withdrawn from roads and other infrastructure fields, from out in related fields. Urban and rural differences in this table for us to open such a thought: If 80 years since the last century, in order to establish a large market, invigorate circulation, at all levels, local government is duty-bound to build big traffic, is to reduce society provide hardware services, transaction costs, then, in order to support the relatively weak Chinese Agriculture, Chinese farmers are directly funded by the financial, agricultural and sideline products free of charge to provide a variety of quality certification services, information services, intermediary services, and brand management, is To reduce transaction costs in agriculture to provide software services. In this regard, at all levels, local governments is also duty-bound promising. On agriculture and farmers, since the vast rural areas in recent years, talk about service, fees and charges must be made, have resulted in farmers reduce agriculture transaction costs to both the hardware services, or software services, savings are a strong and urgent needs! To be specified, the Government provided free of charge for agricultural software and hardware services, not unprofitable. Xuyi County, Jiangsu Province, the county government, direct investment in recent years, great efforts to create "Xuyi lobster" brand, which greatly reduces the cost of farmers selling lobster, "skillfully deflected the" initiative, so that the volume of transactions Xuyi lobster enlarge rapidly in a short time. Appears to "lose" the free service, instead of increasing tax revenue for the government to achieve, cultivate sources, rich in multiple public performance. In fact, after China's accession to the WTO, countries have been very difficult to price subsidies, price protection, etc., support agriculture, caring farmers. Through agriculture, countryside and farmers to provide the financial payment from the free services reducing agricultural products into the international and domestic markets transaction costs, should be government support of agriculture, an important measure to care for one of the farmers.

Agriculture - Online Education Options for Career Training

The agriculture business delivers all types of foods such as meat and milk to everyone in society. Students can learn about crop and livestock farming by studying the industry through online agriculture schools and colleges. Online training can be pursued at several degree levels allowing students to enter their desired career. The industry has seen a significant growth in technology use in recent years, which makes completing an education extremely beneficial if not imperative for interested students. Online training incorporates many fields to prepare students for professional work. Biology and chemistry are focused on to prepare students to understand plant promotion and livestock manufacturing. Students are also taught how to integrate new concepts with existing ones to better maintain the business. Many career opportunities are available to students that earn a degree. Some possible career options include:*Agricultural Technician*Ranch Manager*Greenhouse Manager*Agricultural ProfessorStudents can enter these careers and more after completing the correct degree program. Online education options for career training in agriculture include an associate's, bachelor's, or master's degree program. Students that complete an associate's degree program will gain a foundation in agriculture. Most programs prepare students to become technicians in the field by teaching them how to correctly operate the equipment and machines used for farming. The business of agriculture and understanding soil composition is also highly focused on. Common courses taken at this level of education could include:*Agriculture Chemicals*Crop ScienceStudents can expect to understand the hazards of the business and how to promote safety on the job. Livestock and heavy machinery are key areas that are studied in a safety course. Other areas explored may include pesticides, the nature of soils, and ecosystems. Bachelor's degree programs give students the most career opportunities upon completion. Multiple concentration areas can be entered that focus on areas such as agricultural business management or industry marketing. Programs typically emphasize specific parts of the field like food production, soil science, and plant cultivation. Common coursework that can be found in all concentration areas may include:*Microeconomics for Agriculture*Livestock Biometrics*Agriculture ResearchCourses help students understand the chemical and biological make up of soil, plant growth, and crop performance. This wide knowledge base allows students to pursue careers in management, technology, and business. Students that continue education by completing a master's degree program have the opportunity to step into careers where they conduct research or teach others about agriculture. Students explore many areas, which include courses in biological engineering, organic agriculture, and agribusiness. Other online course topics that may be examined include:*Horticulture*Agriculture TechnologyStudents are able to step into careers in areas that include government, science, management, and engineering. Soil composition specialists and agricultural policymakers are some career possibilities for students that complete training at the master's degree level. Online education allows students to work from home and enter their desired career. Enrolling in an accredited online college that offers agriculture is the first step to entering a satisfying career. Full accreditation is awarded by agencies like the Distance Education and Training Council to programs that offer a quality education.

Agriculture Bearings and Chains

The term agriculture refers to the production of food, fibre and other goods that we use in our everyday lives through the concept of farming and forestry. We rely on agriculture a lot more than we realise, which is why it is so important that the machinery and tools used in the trade are not only up-to-date but also in the best condition possible. All of the equipment that is used in the agriculture trade needs to have reliable operation. This is especially true due to the dirty environments that surround aspects of agriculture. It is because of the need for reliability that agricultural equipment needs to be provided with the best and most suited parts such as bearings and chains. These are just two aspects that make up various agricultural machinery but they represent two of the most important parts that keep the machinery going. Agricultural chains help a range of machinery do its job. Some of the prime examples of this machinery can be seen below: * Combine Harvesters* Vegetable Grading Conveyors* Grain Elevators* Round Balers* Circular Bale Unrollers* Back-Feed Hoppers* Box Scrapers* Fruit Packing ConveyorsWhen it comes to agricultural bearings, they can mainly be seen in aspects such as tractors, mowers, harvesters, cultivators, front loaders, trailers, baler pressers and silage cutters as well as hoes and ploughs. Both the bearings and chains that are used in various forms of agricultural machinery should be designed to meet the requirements of the agricultural industry, which includes extreme temperature changes and different loads and capacity. They should be low maintenance and they need to be sealed in order to prevent corrosion. Without the correct bearings the machinery that is needed to make a success of the agricultural industry would fail to work. It is the work done by the bearing inside a machine that enables that machine to turn and twist in order to do its job. This emphasises the importance of bearings within the agricultural industry. When it comes to agricultural chains, they are continually enhanced and modernised in order for them to meet the changing demands that are arising from the ongoing technical progress of agricultural machinery. Agricultural chains are available in standard lengths or as ready-to-install kits for all makes and models of agricultural machines. They are one part of agricultural machinery that are highly versatile, meaning they can be supplied to exactly fit a specific customer's need. As I have already mentioned agricultural machinery is highly exposed to the elements, which means that the chains, and of course the bearings that are used in them are also directly exposed to influences such as dust, dirt and cold as well as damp conditions so their reliability is constantly tested. So when you come to purchasing your agricultural chains and bearings you need to make sure that you do so off a reliable source that has industry knowledge and experience otherwise you could end up replacing them again before you know it.

Agriculture Dissertation Writing Help

This is an ideal spot to free yourself from the chains of agriculture dissertation papers writing with ease as here you will get the prefect help with dissertations for your every concern regarding agriculture paper writing.Writing agriculture paper is not as trouble-free as it looks like because it needs a big amount of research and study. Therefore, you must stay focused since the starting of your work till the end of your paper, but the question is that how to write agriculture papers. I will expose 3 tips by which you can with no trouble get your agriculture paper written on time.Agriculture Writing Tip 1 – Topic SelectionFirstly, pick a topic on which you are supposed to write your agriculture assignment. Your agriculture topic should be selected under the light of these two points. ? Your interest? Enough data, so that you may not get stuckThe agriculture topic is supposed to be selected in which you are interested so that you may not get bored while writing your papers and it should not be too narrow. It should be general so that you can easily complete your agriculture without getting stuck. Agriculture Writing Tip 2 - Research Sources Be careful that you employ the latest research sources. You can use diverse research techniques. You can conduct research online and offline and you should use up-to-date research resources.Some sources for research from which you can get adequate data are:? Surveys ? Online and off-line libraries ? Newspaper? Past research papers? Latest debatesAgriculture Writing Tip 3 – Agriculture Dissertation FormatAfter collecting all the data, now you have to write your agriculture agriculture dissertation in the following format.? Introduction ? List all the Problem? Review of Literature? Finding? Discussion? Solution ? Ending ? ReferencesThis is an exact format of agriculture dissertation writing. You must pursue this format to finish your dissertation right on time, but the real fact is this that many students are not capable to manage it because of many reasons. They face grave problems, for they are not able to write their dissertation.Problems Of Students• Confused in starting agriculture dissertation because they don’t have clear enough ideas about starting dissertation• Puzzled in deciding a top quality dissertation title• Not up to the mark sources of research• Not capable to complete dissertation because of small amount of collected data available.• Mingle in selecting a right data to utilize in papers• Not confident to complete academic papers on time• Lack of writing skillsThese are the problems which hinder in the way of students to finish their papers on time and I am certain that you must be facing some one of these problems. But the question is that how can the students be free from all of these problems caused by agriculture dissertation paper. The solution is online writing services and you can easily transfer your all tension to them. The highly qualified writers will comfortably write papers for you. You can enjoy your all the other activities which you may have cancelled because of your paper and opt to buy dissertations papers.

Agriculture Institute in India Economy is Mainly Based on Agriculture

Indian economy is mainly based on agriculture. Most of the people live in villages and their main source of income is agriculture. There are a number of agriculture based companies are there and they play a huge role in the development and reforms in agriculture. Due to the presence of these agriculture majors, there are plenty of jobs available in this sector. To get a god and interesting agriculture job, you need to get a good degree from a reputed institute. There are a number of good Agriculture institute in India those provides management degree in agriculture. You can either earn a degree or can get on-the-job training. Either of these manners of preparation will work to help you with your career, although formal education is over and over again more helpful for finding higher-paying jobs. An MBA degree in agriculture will surely help you to get a high-paid job. If you are choosing to acquire a college degree in agriculture, there are quite a lot of options. There are several top agro business colleges in India from where you could get a degree in anything from agri business management programme, to animal sciences, to herd management or crop and soil development. Many colleges offer general courses in agriculture to assist students make a decision what they want to accentuate in their educational career. It is always obliging to talk with advisers for information about classes, career options, and course requirements. This option is well-liked for many because it allows students to choose their own area of study that suits their interests. Many agriculture students also get scholarships and internships to help them learn more about the field.The top agriculture institute in India also provide on-the-job training facility for students. You can also get these facilities at many organizations. You can easily focus more on agricultural methods and practice. This option also pledges that you have a job after you are done training. Often, the more training you collect the more skills you obtain and the more opportunities you have for receiving higher pay rates. Employers also get to know you and often provide optimistic references for other job opportunities that come along.As the agriculture sector in India is getting new heights due to the insertion of new technology and methods, it demands a skilled workforce for them. Agri business colleges in India are providing some of the best MBA graduates for agriculture sector. 

Agriculture is the country's top priority

Although agricultural production is not directed by an executive order out of history overnight, but what kind, breed, sell, farmers are increasingly becoming their own decisions. From "I kind of" to "I want to kind of" production and operation of Chinese farmers has undergone major changes. Township enterprises, as the mid-1980s in rural China, another major upheaval. Since then, the rural economy from the traditional agricultural structure towards a single integrated multi-sectoral development. Statistics show that the composition of agricultural output in 1991 than in 1978, cultivation dropped 16.9 percent, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery rose by 4.3 percentage points 1.1,11.5 and . According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economy Research Centre SONG far introduced in early 1992, Deng Xiaoping visited the South made ​​an important speech in October and the 14th Party Congress, to promote China's new round of rapid economic growth. In the clear establishment of a socialist market economic system reform goals, into a comprehensive rural reform to the socialist market economic system transition period. Through this phase of reform, the agricultural market system initially established, a plan to gradually replace the market mechanism means, in the regulation of agricultural and resource allocation, supply and demand has played a leading role. December 11, 2001, China formally joined the World Trade Organization. China's agriculture has since fully open. In accordance with WTO agreements, China's agricultural trade on the domestic market access, domestic support and export subsidies in areas such as reforms to reduce the tariffs on agricultural imports, the abolition of export subsidies, quota system for bulk agricultural products, and gradually the transition to the tariff. China's agriculture and rural development, gradual integration into the globalization era. Practice has proved that China's agricultural utilization of foreign funds, and a series of indicators of agricultural exports continued to show good momentum, and the world more and more reliance on agricultural products from China.Breakthrough in food circulation system, it means that China's agricultural products circulation system of the last bastion been overcome, announced the completion of the reform of agricultural markets. According SONG far introduced, beginning in 2004, the state grain purchase and sale of fully liberalized market, the implementation of buying and selling multi-channel operation, clean up and change is not conducive to the free flow of food policies and regulations, cleaning and stripping the financial losses of state-owned grain enterprises, and promote state-owned grain purchase and sales enterprise reform, to truly become market players. "The future of reform, will focus on the development of the rural factor markets." SONG Yuan. Today, China's supply of agricultural products has been achieved by the long-term shortage to supply and demand balance, the harvest is more than a historical transformation. Increase in the total, while agricultural products, increased variety, quality improvement, improved quality and safety, balanced supply of capacity enhancement. Agriculture and rural economic development not only by the constraints of resource conditions, but also increasingly constrained by market demand, the development of rural economy and the national economy is becoming more associated.

Agriculture Job Descriptions

The agriculture sector is very popular for offering job opportunities to a large number of people. There are several jobs available in the agriculture sector, which is considered to be the main source of livelihood for many people even today. So if you are also looking for agriculture jobs, then quickly have a look at the various agriculture jobs that are available today. Unlike in the yesteryears, today, there are several degree colleges, post-graduate colleges as well as universities that are conducting research work on agriculture. You can join these colleges and universities as an Agriculture Research Scientist or an Agriculture Development Officer. Also, there are several private organizations looking for Research Scientist. The main objective of an Agriculture Research Scientist is to find out ways for increasing the level of agricultural output by way of increasing the quantity of soil nutrients, making plants resistant to pests and other diseases, and so on. Apart from these, there are several other job opportunities in agriculture. Some of them include labeling, farm management, land appraisal, packaging, and so on. Some other jobs in the agriculture sector include the following:• Ranchers and Farmers: Ranchers raise livestock for the production of eggs, meat and dairy products. On the other hand, farmers are responsible for growing crops meant for consumption. • Fishers: Fishers are responsible for catching wild fish. They usually work on oceans as well as rivers on boats.• Foresters: Foresters help in organizing reforestation work. They are also responsible for treating the diseased trees. It is also their duty to find out which pesticide is suitable for killing which pest. • Agriculture Managers: They are responsible for supervising the daily activities of the laborers in big fisheries, farms, ranches and timber tracts and also for looking after the operation of the business as a whole. • Agricultural Laborers: They are people who work in farms and are responsible for preparing the soil, planting seeds, farming or lumbering, applying proper fertilizers and pesticides, and harvesting the crops. Those who work in fisheries or ranches are responsible for feeding the animals or fish and also for milking cows, collecting eggs, and so on. These are some of the popular agriculture jobs that are available today. What is more interesting is that you can also have a look at the various jobs that are available in the agriculture sector online from the comfort of your home. Sounds interesting, isn't it? So just go through these job openings and get your dream agriculture job today!

and Quot - Eleventh Five-Year and Quot - Development of Agricultural Mechanization and Focus - Farm Machinery,

In the process of building a moderately prosperous society, the "10? Five" is our first 20 years of the 21st century to achieve development goals through the connecting link will be key to the development stage. Our ability to further economic and social development of people track of scientific development, will determine whether the 2020 completion of a comprehensive well-off society, and the middle of this century can achieve industrialization and modernization. In this development process, the impact of agricultural modernization as a very important aspect of overall development. Agricultural machinery Is the main content of agricultural modernization and an important symbol, so the "Eleventh Five-Year" speed up the development of agricultural mechanization as to promote agricultural modernization, building a new socialist Countryside Realize the goal of building a moderately prosperous society important and increase their income and improve the agricultural productivity of agricultural mechanization has set new and higher requirements. "Eleventh Five-Year" to undertake the rapid development of China's agricultural mechanization trend "Eleventh Five-Year" is "15," a continuation of the development. "15 During the agricultural mechanization in China showed a sustained, Health And rapid development momentum, a strong support of agriculture and rural economic development, promoting agricultural productivity and income of farmers increased to speed up the process of agricultural modernization. 1. Agricultural Machinery Equipment level rapidly. To the end of 2004, gross agricultural machinery reached 640 million kilowatts, up 22.6% over 2000, ahead of schedule, "15" plan targets, expected by the end of 2005 will reach about 680 million kilowatts. Farm machinery and equipment structure was further optimized, showing a structural growth characteristics. Supporting large and medium tractors and machinery increased rapidly, by the end of 2004 reached 1.116 million units respectively, and 1.89 million, compared to 2000 grew 47.2% and 35.1%, compared to 1:1 and medium-sized tractor. 7; combine harvester, Rice Such as the rapid development of rice transplanter were 40.7 million and 6.7 million more than in 2000 grew 53.3% and 50.8%. Demand for agricultural mechanization farmers showed high performance, quality and diversity trends. Agriculture and industrial equipment, agricultural machinery enhanced ability to continuously improve the technology content of agricultural products for China's agricultural mechanization has laid an important material and technological foundation. 2. Agricultural mechanization steadily improved. End of 2004, mechanized farming income level of up to 35.7%, compared to 2000 increased 3.2 percentage points, in the adjustment to achieve a steady and coordinated development, expected by the end of 2005 to reach 38%. China has 13 provinces (cities, districts) of the farm income level of over 40% of integrated mechanical, 10 more than 50%. Wheat sowing machines and machine income level of 80.9%, respectively, and 76.2%, production mechanization achieved basically; rice production mechanization and development of breakthrough, the South transplanted rice demonstration more successful, rice sowing, harvesting mechanization levels were 6.7% and 29.3%, a new bright spot in agricultural operations; corn sowing machines and machine income level has reached 50.5% and 2.6%, soybean harvest mechanization level to reach 31.8%. Agricultural Machinery Standard Of operations has markedly increased. Cotton, Sugar cane, rape and other major crops and pasture mechanization of experiments and demonstrations have also made new progress. Expanding the scope of agricultural mechanization in order to enhance agricultural productivity and food and other major Produce The comprehensive production capacity, promote agricultural restructuring and modernization of agriculture has made an important contribution to the process. 3. Main crop production mechanization technology matures. Link from the main crop production perspective, "15" period, wheat production mechanization technologies ripe; long-term constraints of rice production mechanization of planting and harvesting two key areas of technology breakthroughs, successful exploration of a variety of low-cost standardized seedling raising techniques and the mechanization of rice mechanization with regional characteristics of production technology systems and service models, the major grain-producing provinces of the popularization and application of a certain size, for the full mechanization of rice, paving the way; corn harvest mechanization fundamental breakthrough technology and has promote the use in some areas. Agricultural products are the main food crop production to meet the initial needs of full mechanization. Conservation tillage technology for the sustainable development of dryland agriculture; grass seed harvest and post-natal treatment, efficient spraying equipment and other key technologies and major breakthroughs in research and development; rape, sugar cane, cotton and other cash crops, mechanization and technology have been key to start; regional characteristics of Agricultural Mechanization into? further development and diversification of agricultural production to meet demand. 4. Innovative mechanisms for development of agricultural mechanization. In accordance with the socialist market economic system, formed a diversity of farmers as the main input and multi-service cooperation model booming agricultural development pattern and serve the community and market-oriented prototype. As cross-operation to promote the development of agricultural mechanization in China, a major mode achieved remarkable results, as agricultural social service Brand. Wheat Kuaqujishou positive social service model of rice planting, harvesting, corn and potato harvest extension, to a certain extent to solve the household contract Operate And adaptability between mechanized operations, out of it? Article Chinese characteristics, the path of development of agricultural mechanization. Scientific and technological progress, strengthen management and services, initially forming a mechanical and Information Combination of good breeding and wears matching, agricultural and agronomic operating system compatible. 5. According to the promotion of agricultural mechanization has entered a new phase. "15" period, "The People's Republic of China Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Law" was promulgated to establish the agricultural mechanization of agriculture, rural economic development status and role of governments at all levels to support the development of clear policies and measures for agricultural mechanization, agricultural machinery parts to speed up the legislative process, some 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and revision of agricultural machinery management rules and regulations to further improve and perfect the legal system of agricultural mechanization. No. 2004, the central project files will increase agricultural subsidies for the purchase of the country "two relief three subsidies" important agricultural support policies to benefit farmers, opened a state financial support for agricultural mechanization development of new channels. In 2005 central and local governments continue to increase subsidies to efforts to move the peasants greatly withered purchase, the enthusiasm with machines, and guide more social capital investment of agricultural mechanization. Formed according to the law to promote a strong impetus to agricultural development and policy guidance force. "Eleventh Five-Year" development needs of agricultural mechanization The new century, China has entered a well-off society and accelerating the socialist modernization of the new

Arrived, but a disaster for many years farmers rich agricultural insurance call - Roof System manufa

In recent years, with the agricultural structure adjustment speed, the rapid agricultural development around efficiency. However, in a flood, a typhoon or a catastrophic accident with the pollution caused by these losses, agriculture can be described as "bear the brunt." Compared with 23 industries, the agricultural growth cycle is longer, slower economic exposure, more constrained by natural factors such as the decision of the agriculture "weak industry" role. With the accelerated pace of agricultural modernization and to develop high value-added agriculture, agriculture, high input, high output, is also associated with high risk. Now, the farmer's insurance is becoming more conscious of the increasingly urgent demand for agricultural insurance. As a basis for industry support, to protect the interests of agricultural production and farmers, to establish and perfect the agricultural insurance system is very necessary.Nowhere to turn re-insured lossesZhejiang Shaoxing City Centre Hong Zhang Huakui Baoji and saplings, the investment of more than 2,000 yuan, the introduction of breeder from France, is run fire when a disaster strikes: the farm as a sudden power failure, resulting in high temperature field house In just two hours, only 1.8 million chicken deaths, more than 120 million yuan of direct economic losses, indirect economic losses of 300 million. The face of disaster, Zhang Huakui says with resignation, if there are agricultural insurance enough. However, several embittered to the insured, but insurance has nowhere to turn.Coincidentally. Shaoxing City in Vietnam with Lingzhi Town, gave birth to the village altar specialized households pearl how the new law, how trendy the two brothers, took out years of hard savings of more than 100 million contract for 100 acres Hetang slope pond cultured pearl. However, an accident so that more than 20 million mussels died within a day, lost nearly one million yuan. Mussel dead hands, the brothers tears. They also thought about the insurance, but insurance companies do not offer agricultural insurance.According to the Office of Shaoxing Municipal Director of Agriculture introduced by the Department Lv Yimin, they often face such affected families, and some farmers to bank loans, a case of natural disasters, not only to lose everything, also the whole family into trouble. If agricultural insurance this backing, we can greatly alleviate their pressing.Agricultural insurance into the "vicious circle"In the insurance industry developed rapidly growing type of insurance today, as the basic industry is not only the development of agricultural insurance, and basically stopped. Animal Raisers side eager to agricultural insurance, the insurance companies generally do not operate side agricultural insurance, is because what is it?In interviews, many insurance companies, said business people, insurance companies, the enterprise must consider their own benefits, agricultural insurance is a high risk, high damages, almost no insurance company could rely on its own power to run such business. In Shaoxing, only the Chinese People's Insurance Company subsidiary or branch company set up 10 years ago and had such insurance, the risk was too great because of natural suspended. Number of new joint-stock insurance companies on agricultural insurance stayed away, it is not hard to understand. Shaoxing City to convene a leadership meeting several times, hoping the insurance company run agricultural disaster insurance, some insurance companies would also like a lot of ways, ultimately it is difficult to put into practice.Many industry insiders believe that agricultural disaster insurance is difficult, there are reasons for such insurance themselves. Complicated procedures such claims. Ensure the risk of a fishing ground, and then dead fish, looking for insurance claims. The face of so many dead fish, which is difficult to identify the insurance company had insurance protection, which had no insurance protection, according to one now lost, of course Zhaojiabuzhu. High Peifu lead to agricultural insurance, high premiums and high premiums can also foster the more farmers can not afford the insurance, agricultural insurance, also went into the "vicious circle."Promote protection of macro-controlI visited on a number of agricultural insurance types of Animal Raisers. Small house in Shangyu City, Township, chicken specialized households Zhang Jianqiang, said farmers growing awareness of insurance, although there is a mountain village, but also active in a large number do insurance business, and sometimes to do insurance business phone one day be able to access to several, but when we propose to give chicken farm on the insurance, but can not find one. More than 200 small rural residential farms and large, want to participate in agricultural insurance, in order to avoid catastrophic event of natural disasters or accidents, the results of years of prosperity one day empty. Zhang Jianqiang that said to support the agricultural industry, vigorously develop the high priority of agriculture, in fact, can give high priority to agriculture, insurance, lift the farmers in the developing peace of mind to bear high risk, high priority is the development of agriculture and farmers the greatest support.It is understood that in some developed countries, agricultural insurance has become the Government to protect and support agriculture as an important tool. Shanghai has also been the first province to introduce measures for implementation of agricultural insurance, government policies for agriculture insurance, and financial support for certain. According to regulations, the Shanghai suburb of aquaculture and vegetable farmers, rice farming areas such as insurance, access to government departments from 25 to 45 percent of the premium subsidy.Many agricultural experts and Animal Raisers recommendations, can refer to foreign governments support the development of successful experience in agricultural insurance, give full play to all levels of government macro-control functions, re-adjust their thinking and methods, from the "Financial can bear, bear got the insurance sector, farmers have received got "re-examine three areas, as soon as possible sub-levels, insurance recovery and development of agricultural insurance, the establishment of a sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas to ensure long-term stability of the protection mechanism. Some also suggested that agricultural management at all levels of government finances to carry out the work of agricultural insurance as a key task Agriculture annually set aside funds to establish agricultural insurance fund used to subsidize the insurance companies over compensation and subsidies to farmers insurance costs, and the establishment of full-time agricultural insurance institutions, agricultural insurance as soon as possible into ordinary peasant households.

B SC in Agriculture- Pursue Lucrative Future Prospects

Farming is the primary occupation of India. This is a diverse field and involves lots of intricacies and intensive production processes. Agriculture has emerged as a lucrative profession for the skilled, competent and aspiring individuals. This field is growing at a rapid pace and is thus offering numerous opportunities for a promising career. Thus learning in Agriculture is aspired by many ambitious individuals. There are several colleges and institutes that offer comprehensive study programs in Agriculture. Education in cultivation is extremely important for one to understand the holistic procedures and production process in order to practice good quality agriculture. Agriculture is the science of cultivating and producing excellent corps using eco-friendly techniques and implementing sustainable production standards. Learning in agriculture covers all important study topics related to benefits of cultivation and also provides practical exposure to the hard working aspirants. B. SC in Agriculture offers advanced level learning in scientific methods of farming and cultivation. These courses are specially designed not only to impart comprehensive knowledge but also develop requisite skills to help students think in a constructive and practical manner. B SC in agriculture covers array of subjects related to farming, forestry, natural resource management etc. These disciplines branch out to specialized fields that include microbiology, food processing, plant breeding and many such more fields that offer excellent professional growth in future. Besides a variety of study topics B SC in agriculture teaches everything related to environment studies. Thus the focus is to nurture professional agriculture experts with extensive knowledge of the field and hold enough abilities to monitor eco-friendly and good quality food production. These enriching study proms also on the other hand, help the development of specialized skills and entrepreneurial capabilities in students thus helping them accomplish business goals and achieve professional dreams. Apart from degree courses Diploma in Agriculture is also a very popular study program. These courses offer enhanced understanding of science and impart holistic knowledge of high-end techniques for cultivation. Marketing, engineering and finance are all a part of the wholesome learning in agriculture. A Diploma in Agriculture can open up numerous doors of opportunities for the skilled and competent. A comprehensive course on agriculture would prepare the student to take up a job anywhere in the world as it will offer global exposure to various techniques and fundamentals.A career in farming and cultivation indeed offers excellent prospects for the future of the country.

Changes in agricultural development approach structural layout optimization of farm machinery and eq

Ministry of Agriculture recently issued "to further accelerate the transformation of the development of optimization methods Agricultural Machinery Equipment, structure and layout of the program of work ", calling on the competent departments of Agricultural Mechanization with local conditions, and seriously implement the way to further accelerate the development of agricultural change. Order to accelerate agricultural development pattern, and "work program" and further defined the structure for future optimization of farm machinery and equipment layout of the work's main focus. First, overall growth in the promotion of agricultural machinery and equipment while optimizing the structure. Refocused for high-powered, high performance, multiple operating machinery, to speed up the old Agricultural machinery Update retirement, operating machinery and to promote the development of tractor equipment, to improve the matching ratio, increase utilization, reduce energy consumption, to avoid duplication of purchase of low-level waste of resources and efficiency decline. Second, to promote breakthroughs in the areas while promoting coordination of all sectors. Continue to concentrate its energies on the weak links, and to improve the level of mechanization of food production, farm income from the part of mechanization to before, during, and post the whole process of mechanization and extension of agricultural products in regions around the same time, local conditions and gradually promote cash crops, aquaculture, agricultural facilities, agricultural products processing industry and the beginning of mechanization of agricultural waste utilization, full-service agricultural production, farmers living in rural ecology. Third, the development of agricultural mechanization in achieving the overall objective of the country while promoting coordinated regional development. Continue to encourage agricultural development based on good lead in the development of better play to influence, the model lead role; while strengthening the work of hilly agricultural support and guidance, in accordance with the best universal tractor, to develop machine revenue, to break machine Plug machine sowing ideas, encourage enterprises to develop production and support farmers to use the acquisition cost, lightweight and durable crop production machinery, while characteristics of crop production machinery to speed up the development of hills and mountains of mechanization to achieve leapfrog development. "Work program" requirements, competent authorities at all levels of agricultural technology to take effective measures to promote structural readjustment of agricultural equipment. One to formulate development plans, do a good job of existing equipment survey, based on agriculture-led industrial development needs and economic geography, science and development of equipment requirements planning, optimization of agricultural machinery and equipment proposed structure and layout of control for guidance. Second, we must strengthen policy guidance, through a reasonable range and to determine the proportion of farm machinery purchase subsidy, establish and improve the system of agricultural scrap updated policy guidance measures to achieve large and small machinery, high low-level machinery, power machinery and supporting tools, machinery and other food crops rational distribution of agricultural machinery. Third, we must strengthen the scientific research, strengthen relations Key Links and key areas of machinery and equipment and technology breakthroughs, accelerate the development of multi-functional, intelligent, economical agricultural equipment, facilities, exploring the characteristics of different regions and patterns of agricultural mechanization technology road. Fourth, we need to promote social service, through the development of agricultural machinery Cooperation Social, agricultural machinery operators and other new agricultural service organizations and large farm machinery, guidance for advanced, large-scale, efficient use of agricultural machinery and integrated package to buy. Fifth, pilot demonstration, agricultural mechanization in 100 and 500 farm machinery demonstration area service organizations organized demonstration demonstration equipment structural readjustment to explore experience. 6 must be a clear mandate to enhance agricultural technology departments at all levels of macro-control sense of explicit restructuring goals, objectives and tasks to do around the country and a clear responsibility in place, monitoring and evaluating the follow-up, to promote sound and rapid development of agricultural mechanization to do the contribution.

China and 39;S 60 Years Brilliant Step Towards the Mechanization of Agriculture Chu

brilliant career achievements 60 years br 60 years of new china the motherland and a new look made brilliant achievements in the socialist cause earth shaking changes 60 years majority of agricultural workers in hubei our minds to forge ahead 60 years agricultural machinery from scratch from less to more than 60 years rapid development of and progress of 60 years solemnly commemorate the founding of new china in the 60th anniversary recalling 60 years of hubei agricultural development process sum up achievements and experience hubei in promoting sound and rapid development of great significance br 60 years the important process of br review process largely through the following three periods br a of the mechanization of agriculture during the pioneering days of hubei province in 1949 1 965 br liberation in order to increase agricultural productivity as quickly as possible with emphasis on focusing on the promotion of improved agricultural implements to 1959 the province improved farm implements and manufacture a total of 230 new tools to promote the 7 748 million for the development of hubei has laid a good foundation 1953 to 1954 hubei province has established six state owned irrigation and drainage stations and a state run channel jiang xiangyang county agricultural machinery and tractor station to the end of 1965 the development of the province points to the 123 tractor 3641 tractor units the development of state owned irrigation and drainage stations to 449 total power from the province to 970 kw in 1950 to 75 6 million kilowatts new island county liuji gong community i started from 1957 which is the country in the province have played a very good lead that do rely on collective experience of is an initiative of hubei br b greater development of agricultural mechanization in hubei province during the 1966 1 978 years br july 1966 the state council convened the first in hubei national agricultural mechanization site meetings visits the xiaogan venus battalion new chau liu jigong collective mechanized society scene would quot accelerate the pace of agricultural mechanization quot therefore hubei agricultural mechanization gained world renown br with the continuous development of collective machinery the state have delegated to the communes of two stations operating the focus of the work of agricultural mechanization during the development of paddy field irrigation and drainage facilities machinery and large mechanization in paddy fields the focus is grasping the quot paddy fields three machine quot ie boat tractor rice transplanter cutting drying machine the end of 1978 the province 39 s gross agricultural machinery reached 5 88 million kilowatts up 77 8 compared with 1978 in 1965 the province plowing area 1889 8 mu accounting for 33 4 of arable land sowing machines up 4 2 percent 3 7 of which level of mechanical planting machine revenue up 1 6 basically realized in most parts of irrigation threshing processing plant protection and other aspects of the mechanization or semi mechanized br c hubei province the period of reform and innovation of agricultural mechanization 1979 2009 years br 30 years of reform and innovation throughout the historical process of construction of agricultural machinery early 1980 dangyang branch city now yidu farmers have to buy tractor causing a momentary stir august 1982 the hubei provincial government introduced to allow members to purchase agricultural machinery policy inspired the enthusiasm of farmers purchase with the machine the province in general emergence of the quot agricultural fever quot br in 1994 the rural reform has entered a transition to a socialist market economic system period hubei province 370 000 tons of diesel parity with the planned targets were abolished farm machinery began to enter the market oriented phase in 2004 hubei province a successful model reference kuaqujishou may 20 the first province to implement cross rice transplanting operation since 2005 the acquisition of hubei agricultural subsidies began ushering in the spring of agricultural mechanization flourish in 2007 hubei agricultural mechanization and regulations has achieved a major breakthrough in agricultural development has entered a legal basis to promote a new era br 60 years hubei province the process of agricultural development the brilliant achievements substantial increase in total agricultural machinery and equipment to the first half of 2009 the province 39 s gross agricultural machinery to reach 29 1 million kilowatts more than 970 kilowatts in 1950 increased by 3 times total value of agricultural machinery original value 20 734 billion yuan agricultural operation is continuously growing in 2008 hubei province plowing sowing machines mechanized machine income levels were 75 13 4 and 70 respectively compared with growth of 32 65 percent in 1978 9 2 percentage points and 68 4 percentage points agricultural science and education services with remarkable results steady development of agricultural industry agricultural social service system gradually improve production safety situation has improved farm machinery agricultural product quality appraisal work smoothly construction of agricultural support system has also gradually improved agricultural mechanization development for the peasants to increase income and agricultural productivity has made important contributions

China's agriculture is a potential wealth great industry

China's largest IT group: legend holdings Co., ltd., wuhan agriculture base 500 mu round after success, recently announced the investment of 1.2 billion yuan constructs "lenovo agricultural products supply chain", make a collection of the agricultural products processing, storage, sales and distribution the cold chain link in an integrated industrial park.Recently, netease CEO DingLei, jingdong mall CEO LiuJiangDong and other IT giant also built into the agricultural industry announced, make modern capital investment in agriculture wind, and gradually form a new trend."IT giants dare to innovation, dared to challenge the character, make them clairvoyance pre-emptive attack." Physics, Chinese academy of social sciences ShiShang cypress told the xinhua news agency said, in the next few years, the "old with scenarios will continue to spread. More and more industry leaders involved in agriculture, or will bring China agricultural industrial revolution.As a traditional agricultural country, China's agricultural industry there are long-term basic conditions, and the low degree of weak development, the operation mode are evils, has not been most Chinese entrepreneurs have valued. ShiShang cypress said, China's agriculture is a potential, wealth huge industry, and is a few modern capital investment and development area, these giant is see this field in the future development.Lenovo holdings is the world's second largest PC manufacturers. This has 27 years experience of the IT industry enterprise into a huge agricultural plan. Lenovo holding senior vice President ChenShaoPeng in wuhan said the will is 2014 years ago the lenovo holding investment. Among them, the major investment in wuhan city aquatic breeding, will with acquisitions or way of the reform of integration out a aquaculture industry chain, make its annual turnover are not less than 1 billion yuan, and creating a in the national and the world influential aquatic product brand.Recently, lenovo holding out again and again, first $130 million yuan luzhou old cellar its acquisition of wuling wine Co., march wine; Then, to jiangsu wujin made China the livestock and poultry inject $30 million, march livestock breeding. In addition, will be in sichuan and other provinces such as the planting industry layout of modern agricultural projects.Lenovo after, beating into agriculture the field of IT enterprise is netease. The row of China first five Internet enterprise not long ago formally declared will 10000 pigs breeding, the pig farm has settled in so-called "the beautiful country" in anji county, zhejiang province huzhou, plans to invest 300 million yuan, covers an area of 1200 mu.For the people in IT "genius" bowed pigs and scratching their heads, another IT heads LiuJiangDong CEO of jingdong mall a micro Po once again to make people suffered. LiuJiangDong says, he has decided to in the old rural leasing the land of 5000 mu, the kind of rice, positioning for no pesticides, no fertilizer, no pollution "3 without" high-end m.Founded by the community life website was network reputation nets, known as the LiZhiGuo at present and the reputation as business operations senior director yahoo. In may this year, he and some friends in ningbo near the mountains of four kunming started a chicken farm, also specially established "native monopoly nets". Now the first batch of online thousands of native, although the price is much higher than the market price, but sales are still hot.The development of modern agriculture has become China's future 5 years of important development strategy. According to insiders, IT giant influx, on the one hand, will give China agriculture into new capital, technology, talent and operation, change the agricultural production technology behind of situation; On the other hand, the enterprise will use the Internet technology advantage and industry website operation experience, and form a network company and the traditional enterprise resources sharing and complementary strengths, to promote agriculture production scale and standard, greening production. An unprecedented China modern agricultural revolution may soon or will rise.

Circulation System of Agricultural Machinery Upgrade Imminent - Agricultural Machinery, Machine - Pu

HC Valve Network: As the cause of China in recent years the continuous development of agricultural mechanization, agricultural enterprises and the growing agricultural market, a mature, standardized, highly efficient agricultural distribution market has become the universal voice of the industry. In the afternoon of April 25 at the Fourth Forum on agricultural entrepreneurs, from around the country agricultural production and circulation of entrepreneurs, with the will of the experts, leaders and industry together to focus on how to build mature, standardized Agricultural modern circulation system and how to develop a regional agricultural markets, agricultural brand stores and other specific issues related to in-depth, detailed discussion and exchange. Kansas Agricultural Situation Critical flow need "to reshuffle the cards"Agricultural Machinery Group Corporation, Shandong Province, cattle, general manager of national security, the development of Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. Xuzhou Palit chairman Wang Jiashun, Anhui Green Park Group Chairman Ye Qing, China First Tractor Group Vice President Wang Kejun, Changzhou Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group Vice President Xu Guoming and other agricultural production, circulation areas of business made a statement on the current agricultural trade flows were explained the various problems and synthesis, distribution of agricultural machinery industry, the future direction were discussed. Whole, the agricultural distribution industry still can not get rid of a small, chaotic, dispersed, poor, weak state, as the agricultural market, industry, an important link in the chain, weak agricultural circulation has been difficult to adapt to the cause of the Agricultural Mechanization development. Representative of agricultural distribution companies, with the agricultural machinery industry has grown in strength, agricultural subsidies on the industry to support and guide the efforts of increasing, not only the agricultural distribution company does not appear effective and large-scale development of industry consolidation, but a tendency towards a more decentralized chaotic, the momentum direction. As the industry's access threshold is not high, many qualified low and mainly small businesses for the purpose of speculation, "mom and pop" more and more in agricultural circulation. The status of agricultural machinery industry enterprises do not fully understand, do not have the ability to do follow-up services, was a representative of the image described as a "sell out on the closed machine." The existence of these companies, disrupting agricultural market order flow, also increased the purchase of the hidden costs of farmers. As farm machinery sales are meager profit trade flows in the current agricultural market, the visible part of agricultural farm machinery market is already out of the concept of operations, transfer to the main business of construction machinery and vehicles. Agricultural land distribution and financing company in the business are also more difficult. May be due to the lack of collateral assets, low-profit agricultural circulation but is often higher than normal interest rate lending interest rates, agricultural business capital chain also often face greater pressure. Same time, some manufacturers have failed to form a full understanding of agricultural distribution, some enterprises seeking to bypass the distribution companies or directly with the user docking. In some provinces and cities, or even 70% of enterprises in such a situation exists. This will not only improve the company's operating costs, and economic development in the deepening social division of labor demands inconsistent. However, with increasing the degree of subsidies and subsidies to expand the scope, the status of agricultural enterprises has improved circulation. Ji Fengnong plane landed successfully in the GEM distribution companies have also boosted the confidence of agricultural machinery, Ji Feng, Xin Su and other farm machinery of a certain size distribution companies are also starting this year to integrate the resources of the industry, with the words of Changzhou Dongfeng vice president Xu Guoming that "the agricultural distribution system is expected to re round of the 2010 reshuffle," agricultural distribution industry or entering a new phase. Experts offer three proposals made to upgrade and promote circulation system Address the problem, experts have offered suggestions and ideas to be. Agricultural production enterprises suggested strong agricultural distribution companies to seize the opportunity, on farm machinery sales, service, training and spare parts supply chain integration, in order to effectively control the company's operating costs, improve service efficiency. And that management to the policy, taxation, banking credit to the agricultural distribution companies such as tilt, and give full play to the organization of trade associations, coordinating role, to seek access to the development of industry standards to help companies become bigger and stronger circulation.

Finding Jobs in Agricultural Sector

Today the agriculture turf is coming up as one of the most booming industry with several opportunities in agriculture jobs UK. Agricultural happens to be the back bone of several countries and will always has the requirement of human resources. There are several jobs in agricultural opportunities in this particular field for an individual such as forest industry manager, farm manager as well as in fishing, ranching and science & inspection. Few of the jobs in agricultural are discussed beneath:Farming In farming, the work of farmer primarily consists of plantation, growth & harvesting of crops. In the field of farming you have several kinds of jobs to select from such as farm managers, crop dusters, pest control chemists, farm workers and farm equipment operator as well as repairer. Ranching is one more sector of agriculture which deals with raising of animals to produce meat, milk & wool. The agriculture jobs UK in ranches may consist of animal trainers, shearing and milking assistants, breeding technicians and large animal veterinarians.Forestry This particular field of agriculture consists of planting, caring and cutting of trees to get lumber as well as other goods such as wood &timber. In forestry; one can get job as a log movers, forest industry manager, log graders, choke setters and fallers. Another agricultural industry is fishing which brings large amount of revenues to government. Fishing as we all know consists of catching fishes for human consumption. In this particular industry you can get job as fishing boat captain, trap setters, fishermen and fish cleaners. Working in agricultural science & inspection department involves research of newer technologies and techniques to decrease plant diseases, pest issues and methods to increase the fertility of the soil.Few other jobs in agricultural industry include those of agriculture inspector, feed manufacturer, hatchery manager, animal research specialist and greenhouse manager. An agriculture inspector make sure that the different agricultural companies & businesses complies with all the laws as well as regulations specified by the government. An agriculture inspector ensures that the meat & poultry products that are supplied to the market are rich in quality.The amount of jobs in agricultural industry is unlimited and has a massive scope. If you love animals then you can be a veteran doctor or in agricultural field you can get agriculture jobs UK as there are several jobs related to them. Today Agricultural field is a booming industry and has numerous job opportunities.

In 2010 the work of agricultural production and marketing business direction and focus of

Years ago, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national work conference on agricultural mechanization to determine the focus in 2010 eight agricultural mechanization work, revealed that in 2010 the central agricultural subsidy funds more than 13 billion yuan to purchase a foregone conclusion. This will become a driving force of China's agricultural market demand by 2010, the main driving force. Stand the perspective of agricultural machinery manufacturing enterprises, long way to go deep in 2010, must be made clear in 2010 agricultural production and marketing work in the direction and focus.    One good supply of reserves. To ensure that farm machinery purchase subsidy policy in 2010 to start implementing as soon as possible, farmers can enjoy the spring before the subsidies, the Ministry of Agriculture requested the Ministry of Provincial 2 selection of work completed by mid-January 2010, the provinces, autonomous regions and January 31 of the annual subsidies to products Directory of Agricultural Mechanization Management Division of the Ministry of Agriculture reported that audit to the public before Chinese New Year. Thus, the progress of the implementation of the 2010 subsidy would be earlier than usual, a one-time funds will be the next to reach the provinces. This will require the enterprises to meet the market's ability to instantaneously increased substantially. In 2009 many companies deal with shortage of food at a disadvantage. Lessons learned, good supply of reserves in advance of work has become the important work of the current agricultural production enterprises. In order to ensure a substantial increase over previous years, many enterprises have already started in December 2009 from the reserve supply of work.    Second, give play to the role of agricultural cooperatives. Ministry of Agriculture in 2009 issued the "on Accelerating the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives of professional opinion", it is understood the professional agricultural cooperatives across the country has reached 13000. Provinces, the development of agricultural cooperatives is currently regarded as a major work, and put the appropriate encouragement and support policies, and agricultural subsidies in the agricultural co-operatives to purchase subsidies are high priority targets. From this point of view, the latter part of the number of agricultural cooperatives specialized more and more. Agricultural production and marketing enterprises will face more specialized agricultural cooperatives, and farm machinery as the enterprise legal person to deal with specialized cooperatives. This agricultural production and marketing enterprises, but a relatively new problem. So from now on, the agricultural production and marketing co-operative enterprises should be of professional marketing channels as an important focus. Can select a number of large-scale, service ability as a repair and sales outlets to carry out the pilot.   Third, attach importance to agricultural and agronomic relationships. National Agricultural Mechanization Work Conference, to correctly understand and carefully handle the relationship between agricultural and agronomic and promote the coordinated development of agricultural agronomy and vigorously promote the development of advanced and applicable agricultural technologies. The Ministry of Agriculture in 2009 and vigorously promote the conservation tillage and soil preparation Subsoiling. Many provinces have combined to strengthen agricultural and agronomic recommendations and requirements. The combination of farm machinery and agronomic Agricultural Development has become an important issue, as the study of agricultural production enterprises must pay attention to this point, efforts to improve the adaptability of product, there are more and better products to meet market demand.    Fourth, the good product quality. Agricultural Mechanization in 2010 focus on work, with particular reference to quality and efficiency as the center, to further revitalize the agricultural machinery manufacturing and circulation. November 1, 2009 from implementation of the "Agricultural Machinery Safety Supervision and Management Regulations", the clear responsibility of manufacturing enterprises is proposed substandard product recall requirements. Ministry of Agriculture subsidies on the 2010 document clearly stated, "the price to introduce competition mechanism, to run machinery products from the price, performance, configuration, market performance, quality assurance, after-sales service, etc., a comprehensive evaluation, not just to subsidize the price of factors selected directory conditions. effective integration of advanced technology is mature, safe, reliable, energy-saving environmental protection, services, opt-in place subsidies for agricultural products catalog for farmers to choose. "    As the work of agricultural subsidies, in-depth and influence increased, more and more enterprises into the farm machinery industry, the latter will become increasingly fierce market competition, while the quality of products and services will become the basic means of competition, Therefore, in the good product quality, improve product performance, at the same time, determine a reasonable price, guarantee producers a reasonable efficiency, but also the development of agricultural mechanization and agricultural machinery manufacturing industry is an important aspect.

Inventory of 2009 accomplishments and highlights the development of agricultural mechanization - Agr

15 00 Ministry of Agriculture Information Office held a press conference introduced in 2009 to the media Agricultural machinery Development achievements and highlights and to answer questions Ministry spokesman Zhang synthesis Ladies and gentlemen good afternoon Welcome to the Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture participated in the topic of a press conference We all know that just the central economic work conference held on the economic work in 2009 and made a summary of economic work next year and deployment 2009 is the new century China 39 s economic development since the most difficult year the international financial crisis continued to deepen severe drought in history rare and agricultural market volatility and many other serious challenges various agricultural industries the difficulties and do solid work This year the agricultural sector the successful completion of all tasks in economic work At present various departments of the Ministry of Agriculture is the work of inventory in 2009 the Ministry of Agriculture Information Office from the recent start the relevant departments of our major leaders introduced the industry 39 s inventory of agricultural conditions our preliminary arrangements so Agricultural Mechanization Division Veterinary Division and farming department bureau will arrange a special press conference held here Land reclamation fisheries village and township enterprises in the Xinhua interview Today we have invited the Secretary of the cases of agricultural mechanization and Heng Kam Yiu Secretary to brief the new deputy director of the China 2009 Agricultural Machinery Of career development The following requests were issued Kam Yiu Secretary 2009 12 1815 04 30 Ministry of Agricultural Mechanization Management Division were Kam Yiu Ladies and gentlemen friends from the media thank you on China 39 s agricultural mechanization has long been concern about the development and support the development of agricultural mechanization has created a favorable environment of public opinion Recently concluded Central Economic Work Conference emphasized the need to consolidate the quot three rural quot infrastructure expanding rural demand the development of agricultural mechanization is to consolidate the quot three rural quot based on important content is also an important symbol of modernization of agriculture develop modern agriculture material basis Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that the fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization this thesis is also not out of date today As industrialization and urbanization accelerates China 39 s rural labor structure has undergone profound changes How to consolidate the quot three rural quot infrastructure agricultural mechanization has become an urgent task Therefore farmers have increasingly urgent demands of agricultural mechanization Mechanization of agriculture has become increasingly dependent on agriculture significantly This is the development of mechanization and become a major event with the direction 2009 12 1815 06 02 Cases Kam Yiu This year the competent departments at all levels conscientiously implemented Mechanization State Council on the quot accelerating mechanization of agriculture quot the decision to deploy seize opportunities meet challenges pragmatic and pioneering spirit push forward the work and made significant results the country sustained rapid and healthy development of agricultural mechanization In the following seven areas The first to actively promote the agricultural based legal system agricultural safety supervision regulations breakthrough This year is the quot Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Law of the PRC quot the 5th anniversary of the promulgation The State Council examined and approved and published the quot Agricultural Machinery Safety Supervision and Management Regulations quot from November 1 2009 shall come into force This is the first farm machinery management and administrative regulations for agricultural production safety supervision and management of the whole process provides a legal guarantee With the quot Regulations quot will be implemented in advance of the system of monitoring the implementation of agricultural machinery agricultural machinery will effectively reduce accidents promote the harmonious development of agricultural based security 2009 12 1815 10 03 

Jilin Launched Major Initiatives to Revitalize the Agricultural Equipment Industry - Agriculture Equ

Chamber of Industry and learned from the Jilin Province, developed by the Office of "People's Government of Jilin Province on Accelerating the development of farm machinery and equipment industry view", the Government of Jilin Province has been issued to red tape and begin formal implementation. This indicates that once the national agricultural province of Jilin, in the agricultural machinery industry has experienced after years of doldrums, has begun a rare opportunity for development with the current, full mobilization of all forces and resources can be used, determined to revive the province's farm machinery and equipment industries. The embarrassment of one billion yuan in output value Jilin Agricultural equipment industry started in the 50s of the 20th century, after decades of construction and development, to the mid-90s, already in a strong position in the country, and formed a tractor factory in Changchun, Siping combine harvester factory, Yanbian transplanter factory known enterprises; "Changchun? 12 Tractor" and Dongfeng brand of large combines, and other key agricultural products into a national brand. But, because of the history and variety of subjective and objective reasons, the province's agricultural industry began to decline, so that the level of the original farm machinery industry, scale and capabilities far and several provinces of Jilin Province, now have more than Jilin. Jilin Province has the status of farm machinery and equipment industry are: small business, single species, weak technological base, a serious brain drain, the quality system is not perfect, support system is not complete. The end of 2008, the province total scale agricultural producers 160, the completion of annual output value of one billion yuan, accounting for the National Farm Machinery Industry output is about 5; farm machinery Pin Sales sales revenue of 1.8 billion business, is still less than the national farm machinery sales 1%. Starting point revitalization plan industry Precisely in order to change this situation as soon as possible, but also to give full play to its inherent foundation, brand and market advantage, the Jilin Province, the revitalization of agricultural sector was a commitment to delivering a major move. The overall development thinking is: through investment, industrial structure adjustment, industry mergers and acquisitions, strong and big agricultural leading enterprises, promote the development of components supporting rolling, and gradually establish a perfect system of agricultural machinery industry. Focus on construction of Changchun and Siping, Yanbian three agricultural equipment industry base, to develop agricultural markets and agricultural services Large. Create agricultural brand, the establishment of qualified personnel and enhance R & D capability to develop into a dominant agricultural equipment manufacturing industry, create greater glory Agricultural Machinery Industry in Jilin Province. Its development goals are: to 2011, the province's agricultural equipment industry industrial output value 7,500,000,000 yuan. Annual output of large and medium horsepower tractors and related farm machinery 3,000 pieces (sets), corn harvester 3000, rice harvesters and transplanter 12,500 units, parts of almost 40% of the property. Is in high horsepower tractors, semi-feeding corn harvester, rice harvester, such as high-speed mechanical transplanter main products represented an increase of 25% or more. The province establish a better system of agricultural machinery and equipment R & D, manufacturing, management, sales, service and training system.

Lenovo holding investment will tend to the modern agriculture

November 8, according to the sound of economic news the world company "report, once someone has said, DingLei pigs is a deliberate and the hype, the LiuJiangDong kind of rice is a from of business suit, and today, ZhuXinLi liu, such as the impact of a business giants, competitively in succession in agriculture, this and how to describe? Seems to have only one explanation: agriculture, is the modern Chinese economy development in the exhibit its unique charm.Recommended readingChina's first Mars probe, firefly smooth launchItalian debt of Greek 5 timesCCTV advertising tender embrace 14.2 billion and 18 years highThe Yangtze river in pollution emissions of over 30 billion tonsArden and seventy percent were poor social responsibility of the enterpriseCuTu: African woman's invincible telltale TouGong iron[strands of god ii] king harden surfaceHeChengYing: can China save the world economyLenovo holding the chairman liu as early as six months ago is foreign revealed that he intends to develop modern agriculture. Now, finally began to the middle of the plan for its agricultural interpreting preparation. Liu said, the next three years, lenovo holding investment will tend to modern agriculture, make a famous food brand. According to information, lenovo has established last year in agricultural investment division. Liu said, modern agriculture present a huge profit space, lenovo holding the future is one of the core assets agriculture.As early as in 2007, huiyuan company scored Beijing shunyi a 15000 mu of mountainous country, organic agricultural experiment development, last year still quietly set up organic agriculture department. Huiyuan company President ZhuXinLi agriculture to develop sound and color dream up. At present, huiyuan already have in xinjiang altai 100000 acres of wild seabuckthorn base, Beijing miyun 1500 mu organic vegetables base. The shandong Texas 1 million mu organic agriculture cooperation projects, the development of the organic crops grow, farming organic fertilizer company, feed, meat processing plant project, from fruit juice industry to agriculture into the industry chain.Perhaps ZhuXinLi to "the gardener" change, also did not cause too much of the attention and disputes, and netease CEO DingLei pigs is in the Internet and the whole of the economy, and has led to a lot of a sensation. In 2009, DingLei put forward the idea of raising pigs, at that time become the focus of attention of the public opinion. Although DingLei said, raising pigs not to make a lot of money, just hope to bring more attention to food safety, help and drive farmers obtain employment. However, the nature of the pursuit of profit from the merchant to see, modern agriculture high value-added industries return, is the DingLei attract high-profile turned to "ZhuGuan" of the important factors. DingLei oneself also revealed he checks part of a pig, only in the breed tache gross margin of 50% to 60% is, far higher than the Internet industry.Now, in DingLei various comments disappeared gradually raising the February this year, jingdong mall LiuJiangDong CEO of a micro bo, and gradually calm in the Internet circles aroused infinite ripple, he wrote: "today made a decision to jiangsu suqian hometown: lease 5000 mu of land, the kind of rice." To in May this year, the event is a new progress, LiuJiangDong in micro bo also wrote: "I from kind of rice finally otc. It's quality and safety is no doubt, only regret is a little expensive!"Why there are more and more entrepreneurs look to agriculture? The charm of future agriculture exactly? Bank consultant, researcher of ecological-economic SongJie said, in the market development and the development of the enterprise double factors, the agricultural investment market increasingly mature, the government to the agricultural support strength increase, this makes the agricultural investment market has certain investment space, product diversification can effectively spread the enterprise risk, be helpful for the long-term development of the enterprise. And in other areas of investment projects, that by the original management mode for effective management, and to broaden the business range, forming multi-win situation, so two in agriculture enterprise in succession, and this trend or will continue, there will be more and more industry in come in two.Immediately below the national development and reform commission industrial economy and attachment technical and economic research institute director JiangChangYun, why now more and more entrepreneurs look on the modern agriculture?JiangChangYun: a very important reason is the consumer market differentiation in agriculture, especially high-end market profit space or larger.Host: is now doing more and more market segment in more detailed, the lack of high-end products food field?JiangChangYun: yes, and now with the improvement of income level, high income and more people, high income on food safety, to organic food this pay more and more attention to.Host: as a traditional agricultural country, China's transition to modern agriculture in the process, you think is worth to pay close attention to what are the difficulties? To grasp of what link?JiangChangYun: the most difficult point is changing the way of agricultural development, specifically, including agricultural structure upgrade, the development of high-end agricultural products. The second difficulties may be the training of modern agricultural entrepreneurs, before the main is small small scattered of farmers, and the production of major products or to meet their needs, so this in fact no entrepreneurs, the development of the modern agriculture need more and more entrepreneurs to make agriculture.Host: just now we introduces several are Internet industry's big brother, they now have to invest in modern agriculture, the previous may not have relevant experience, especially like the Internet industry of these entrepreneurs, you think they to do this industry will be what features? What are the problems may appear?JiangChangYun: they do agriculture might be easy to aim on the high-end market, the second, easily to non-agricultural industries, especially the electronic commerce network, cultural factor into the development of agriculture, so will bring the innovation of agriculture, this should is very good. For the development of modern agriculture in fact is largely need of updating ideas including agriculture, agricultural technical updates, agricultural development business model updates, this should be their advantage. Of course disadvantages of agricultural production process may may not necessarily well and agriculture in fact with a natural or disconnected from the obvious.Host: you for modern Chinese agricultural future prospects how to see?JiangChangYun: future prospects may should be the development of modern agriculture, but the development of modern agriculture I think a aspect is the cultivation of agricultural entrepreneurs, the second aspect is the public service system, the agriculture of the public service platform construction, the two aspects should be together. Including public service system, public service platform inside, in addition to the public service platform, there is the development of agricultural production services, and marketization of production and the development of service trade, logistics service is, scientific and technological services, quality assurance service and the development of the market.

Mechanization of agricultural development situation and on the policy of - agricultural machinery, a

(841, 'Over the years the Shandong provincial government under the correct leadership the Division of Agricultural Mechanization in Agriculture and the strong support of the agricultural departments at all levels in Shandong Province in accordance with quot is based on large scale farming the development of large agricultural machinery services new countryside quot development strategy emancipate the mind do solid work innovation positive as to promote agricultural technology has always maintained a sound and fast development momentum In 2008 development of the province to 103 million kilowatts gross agricultural machinery agricultural machinery worth 58 5 billion yuan tractor has reached 2 503 000 units of which 303 000 units large and medium tractors combines reaching 12 2 million units mechanized crop farming income level of 65 of which the level of food crops mechanized farming income up 75 Mechanization of Agriculture is in the intermediate stages to the crossing of an important period Currently in the face of the global financial crisis situation Shandong Province of the country as agriculture and rural economic development has encountered serious challenges However agricultural development momentum continues to improve showing a trend of the following four First the fine structure of equipment two full mechanization of production Third the scale of agricultural operations Fourth the industrialization of agricultural services br br View from the national and Shandong Province agricultural development policy environment for getting better and better on the agricultural development of the growing efforts to support the policy of the gold content is increasing Agricultural Machinery in Shandong Province this year the state has arranged 620 million yuan subsidies coupled with the financial support at all levels of agricultural subsidies to the province 39 s capital close to 800 million yuan greatly aroused the farmers invest in the development of Agricultural Mechanization of the initiative Register now purchase enthusiastic farmers across the province the existing subsidies is far from meeting the needs of farmers purchase Agricultural subsidy policy has effectively pushed the sustainable and stable development of agricultural industry Although this year the international financial crisis facing the grim situation but look at Shandong agricultural producers production Pin The situation in previous years have not only sold but season 2 months ahead of schedule arrival The enterprises to increase horsepower production can not meet market demand No crisis in agricultural enterprises with one swing of the situation Practice shows that the strong support of national policies for the Mechanization of Agriculture to speed up the development of comprehensive development scientific development has created very favorable conditions Mechanization of future sustained and healthy development still require strong policy support and promotion br br A of the full purchase subsidy policies to promote the role of guide and promote sound and rapid development of Agricultural Mechanization Agricultural subsidies in the purchase of agricultural development policies to support the entire system an important central role We do rely on three articles of purchase subsidies The first is to promote growth Total agricultural development growth is the basis and premise Through the implementation of subsidies subsidies play a multiplier effect of further mobilizing the peasants and agricultural development of social investment initiative and tap the potential of rural domestic demand accelerating the pace of agricultural growth in the total Second break problems Give full play to the leverage of subsidy funds using the best steel in the knife 39 s edge with subsidies to promote the agricultural development challenges short legs and solve the bottleneck problem Present and future Shandong is to increase the subsidies by efforts to promote no till planting of corn harvesting mechanization and conservation tillage to achieve leapfrog development and promote the rapid development of mechanization and cash crops Third excellent structure Scientific and reasonable structure of Mechanization of agricultural equipment sound and rapid development of the necessary conditions To play the guiding role of subsidies and guide rational growth of large and small machines the coordinated development of various types of supporting machinery new high performance machine priority to promote agricultural products and rural development in the industry machine simultaneously relying on incremental adjustments to promote structural optimization Upgrade to the structure of agricultural equipment needs to adapt to agricultural development in line with modern agriculture and new rural construction requirements br br B speed up the implementation of the agricultural operation subsidies efforts to increase the level of agricultural mechanization Agricultural development is most important most notably marked by raising the level of agricultural mechanization Promote the improvement of agricultural mechanization level on the one hand farmers to be able to afford farm machinery Through the purchase subsidy policy the benefit from the subsidies farmers purchase large new agricultural demands are met affordable agricultural problems are gradually solved On the other hand farmers can afford to make farm machinery Operating subsidies for the implementation of agricultural machinery agricultural machinery is to create conditions for farmers to afford to provide support and guide the farmers widely used in farm machinery for agricultural production improve agricultural productivity thus speeding up the upgrading the level of agricultural mechanization Some cities and counties in Shandong Province implemented the agricultural operation subsidies the effect is obvious ')