
Sunday 7 October 2012

Meters for Testing Food and Agricultural Products

It is very evident that the implementation of modern scientific techniques in agriculture will increase the quantity as well as improve the quality of the food and the agricultural products that will be available in the market. But this can be made sure only with the help of appropriate food and agricultural testing meters. The high quality laboratory equipments or meters which test the food and agricultural products assist in enumerating the nutritional information in each measurement and also will ensure that the product is of high quality. Even though agricultural sector is still the backbone of many economies, the percentage of people who are engaged in agricultural activities is very less compared to other sectors in the economy. This is mainly due to the inadequate scientific equipments and the lack of awareness among people regarding the future prospects in the agricultural sectors and food industry. With the given rate of population growth, the demand or food and agricultural products will rise steeply but the supply will not be in matching terms with demand due to scarce resources. Advanced food and agricultural testing meters will enable the people to make maximum use of the limited resources so that the returns will be sufficient enough to meet the growing demand.In India, agriculture is still considered as the mainstay of the economy. But compared to other developed counties the availability of high tech equipments for food and agricultural testing is very limited. There are only few manufacturing industries which produce world class scientific equipments for food and agricultural testing meters. So, it is very significant to choose the best from the available few. Some big agricultural houses may plan to import high quality food and agricultural testing meters from abroad but the high cost and other factors act as deterrent, making them dependent on the domestic products. Some of the commonly used equipments for scientifically testing food and agricultural products are manufactured in India by some competent manufactures that is having ample experience and expertise in this domain. Acidity meter, Polari meters, refractometers and moisture meters are some comply used meters for measuring the food and agricultural content. Most of the food and agricultural products are available in the market in its raw form as well as in processed form. The processed food products require the used of testing meters to calculate its nutritional content and shelf life in an accurate and precise manner. If the processed food contains fruits of different varieties, the acidity meter helps in calculating the sourness of the fruits like Apple, orange, pear, grapes etc. Polarimeter which is based on the principle of photoelectric balance is used for measuring plain polarized light. Refractometer gives information about the saline concentration of the product. Moisture meters helps in measuring the percentage of water content in a given product. Thus, the use of different meters for food and agricultural products is essential to know its main ingredients and also its quality and self life in a scientific and precise manner.

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